One Man’s Action

Title: One Man's Action
Published by: His Will Publishing
Release Date: October 28, 2018
Pages: 432
ISBN13: 978-1732384507
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One Man’s Action is set on the southwest side of Chicago in a community known as Inglewood Park Manor. The neighborhood streets are cracked, vegetation grows wild, and homes are either burned down, dilapidated, abandoned or boarded up. Addicts, foreign merchants and absentee landlords share what little wealth the fallow ground holds with dope dealers, liquor stores and storefront churches on every corner. The only thing standing as a reminder of what Inglewood Park Manor used to be is an old Romanesque style architectural church, built in the early 1900s; and the desire and determination of one man to bring Inglewood Park Manor back to its greatness.

One Man’s Action is a story about how the wrong choice changed the lives of an entire community. It is filled with all the richness of relationships, and the drama, nuances and intensity that people endure when they are trying to find themselves and live their authentic truths, in a world bent on trying to set artificial boundaries. It’s a story about walking through the valley and coming out on the other side filled with faith, hope and love.


“Chapter-by-Chapter Suspense.” -Dorothy Murphy


#1: Rumor had it that some kids playing with matches accidentally started the fire that had engulfed the church, destroyed most of the buildings on the block and killed Pastor Tobias McCoy who at the time was in his office sleeping when the fire started. As such, one side of the church had fallen in and all you could see were rocks, bricks and debris and part of the roof draped down like a curtain missing half of its hooks. Most, if not all the wooden structures were lost due to inclement weather and termites, and all the rich metals that were once used had been stripped and taken by metal scavengers and rolled away in stolen shopping carts. And if you stood in the middle of the wreckage long enough, ever so often you could catch a glimpse of what it once looked like through the broken stained glass that rose from the debris, like fool’s gold. To the residents of Inglewood Park Manor, the “ruins” as they called the empty church, was simply a place to walk through in order to get from one destination to another. A home for kids to play out their childhood fantasies and a burial ground used to shelter the Church’s skeletal remains.

#2: Now he understood why the X on a man’s back was the most trademarked symbol on the stock exchange. America’s demand for free labor rang loudly and with an X on your back, the practice of stop and frisk was just a routine quality control measure instituted in poor and marginalized communities to ensure that there would always be a labor source to pull from.